Lodrik Welfare Fund – Corona Unterstützung

Bilder: Verteilung von Lebensmitteln und Bargeld in der tibetischen Siedlung Paljorling, Pokhara, Nepal

Eine grosszügige Spende von CHF 42’318.- kam zur rechten Zeit für die unter Corona leidenden Tibeter/innen in Pokhara, Nepal. 

Tashi Delek! I am very glad to get your mail and have sent more photos with attached files in my before emails. We have distributed the dry food and cash support in three Tibetan Refugee Settlements in Pokhara and Duelegauda, Nepal. As well, we have also distributed the same to two monasteries and one elder’s home. So, altogether 792 people have received dry food and cash relief support. As stated in a previous email, dry food included: 5 kilogram of Rice, 5 kilogram of Wheat flour, 1 kilogram of egg noodle, a half kilogram of red lentil, a half kilogram of black lentil, 1 kilogram of sugar, a half-liter of oil, 50 pcs face mask packet,to each person. With this given NPR1000 each person for vegetable and other necessities. There are three separate COVID19 response teams in three Tibetan settlements. Each team has the responsibility to make awareness of guidelines and precautions. As well, they have to handle COVID cases and to prepare the quarantine and isolation facilities for infected people. To carry out such work smoothly and successful, the financial background is most needed and from the donation, we have given to NPR700000 to COVID19 response teams. There are also some Tibetan Refugees are scattered in different places and we have donated NPR225000 for them to get support during the pandemic. Also, we have allocated NPR2000000 for 200 Tibetan elders to give a monthly NPR5000 to buy daily needed food and other things for two months. They do not have work and no income for their daily livelihood. With the kind donation of CHF42318 from Verein Tibetfreunde, we were able to reach different support to get relief to our Tibetan Refugees in Nepal during the pandemic. We assumed that we have utilized the donation on large scale to reach the relief support to the maximum number of Tibetan Refugees in Nepal. The above relief support of dry food and cash is for two months. With the kind donation of Verein Tibetfreunde has eased the financial load for more than 700 Tibetan Refugees during the COVID 19 pandemic by distributing dry food and cash. As well the COVID 19 response teams have got relief to carry out awareness and precaution activities in Tibetan Refugee Settlements by awarding financial help. With this many Tibetan elders had feelings of relief in getting support for two months. Thus, in overall your donation has immensely benefited Tibetan refugees in a large. We would be highly appreciative to Verein Tibetfreunde for the willingness to provide more help in near future. Still, we have to carry out to get rid of the pandemic and we definitely need your kind support. Your generosity has inspired us to help others and we are looking forward to hearing from you soon. With best regards Tamding Hrichoe has inspired us to help others and we are looking forward to hearing from you soon.
With best regards
Tamding Hrichoe