Überholung Namgyal Schul-Jeep

Im Jahr 2021 hat Tibetfreunde CHF 2’840 gespendet für die Reparatur des Namgyal Schul-Jeeps. Im Gegenzug haben wir ein Gedicht vom Schulleiter, Norbu Tsering, bekommen:


By Principal Norbu Tsering

Our world is a museum
A museum of humanity!
Rich in variety but Cheap in content
Tell me what we do not have
Endless expanse of dirty slums
Too many starving creatures
Yet we have glittering cities as well
Don’t we have?
Many filthy rich people
How good it would be
If they all help less fortunate people
Rather than keep amassing
Wealth in their coffers
For their own personal gains
Many speak very eloquently,
Amazing soft Skills
How good it would be
If they speak for poor kids
Speech is waste and hollow
If they speak
Only for themselves
All kinds of people are there
Some are smooth slithering kinds
Pretty soulless fake faces
No dearth
Of loving and unloving parents
But in our midst
Conspicuous of their absence
Don’t we feel something missing?
Something is not right
What happened?
To many of our sponsors
Their breed is dwindling
Almost endangered species
Yet some still holding forth
Our sponsors are truly special
People who work for poor kids
True modern warriors of humanity
They are our true heroes
Ah ma- woe! Even a lone day star
Shines brightly like warm sunny rays
In bitter cold winter of people’s life

We must say
Sponsors are real angels
They help someone
Other than one’s own family
They love and help
Fills the life of kids
With sunshine and smiles
How kind sponsors are
For making poor kids
Their own God child,
How beautiful it is!
Anyone can help
One’s own dear and near ones
For it comes naturally and easy
Those who help
Unknown needy people
They are truly special
They are nothing less than angels
They make our world
A better place to live for all