Der Verein Tibetfreunde übernimmt für zwei Jahre das Gehalt des Ethik-Lehrers in Lingshed.
Die Hauptziele des Ethikunterrichts sind:
- Die Bewahrung der buddhistischen Weisheitsphilosophie auf der Grundlage von Logik und Psychologie
- Die Förderung und Erhaltung der traditionellen Kultur
- Die Förderung und Bewahrung der tibetischen Sprache (Muttersprache)
Die Kosten belaufen sich auf CHF 2‘830.- pro Jahr. Vom Unterricht profitieren zahlreiche Schülerinnen und Schüler aus der ländlichen Umgebung.
«Dies ist ein sehr wichtiger Beitrag zur Erhaltung der ethischen Tradition Ladakhs und wird das Verständnis und die Wichtigkeit der ladakhischen Wurzeln fördern und vertiefen. Für die Lingshed Area selber ist es sehr schwierig, dieses Ethik-Salär finanzieren zu können, was ihnen aber ein grosses Anliegen ist», meldet uns Projektpartnerin Doris Koch, die sich seit 1993 für die Verbesserung der Lebensbedingungen in der abgelegenen Lingshed-Region einsetzt.
Mehr Informationen finden Sie hier: Lingshed Area Development Foundation
May 28, 2024
Respected the Members of Tibet Freunde, Switzerland,
On behalf of Lingshed School students, parents, Ethic teacher and staff members of the society, we all want to extend our heartiest thanks and appreciate all the committee members of Tibet Freunde to provide kind financial support of honorarium for ethic teacher in Lingshed school for the period of two years 2024 to 2025.
The society received the funds CHF 5400/- (equivalent INR 554812.51) from Tibet Freunde, Switzerland for the purpose of an ethics teacher’s honorarium for the period of two years through Doris Koch from Switzerland. The financial support for the ethics teacher will be very useful in teaching the ethical lessons to the students as a regular academic subject in the government high school Lingshed. The ethics lesson teaches from 5th standard up to 10th standard.
As per feedback of the teacher, the students are taking interest in learning ethical lessons and regularly attending the classes to study the subject with pleasure.
The ethical lesson (in Tibetan, we call “RIGLAM”, which means the psychological mind training) the subject is about reasoning, debating, argument, which helps to sharpen the mind or active mind.
According to His Holiness Dalai Lama’s advice and suggested teaching the RIGLAM/ Ethic lesson as the academic subject in the school for the students to train their minds through understanding psychological lessons, reasoning and argument, which help the students in understanding other subjects too. That is why we started and applied ethical teachings in the school as the academic subject from last year 2023 in the Government High School Lingshed.
We also published the Riglam books separately for the different standards and freely distributed the books to the students in the school. There will be quarterly tests of writing, oral and debating and the annual examination will be in the month of November.
The official receipt for the donation is enclosed herewith.
We will keep you updated on progress report, activities of the students for your kind information.
Regards and greetings to you all
LADF Staff team